Saturday, February 4, 2012


Spirit night was crazy! We won all around: women's basketball won their game making them undefeated 21-0, men's basketball won as well (by one point!) and Revelle won most spirited! Plus there was an awesome fireworks show after we won. We're feeling quite victorious.

The spirit trophy!

Spirit Night War Paint

In preparation for Spirit Night on Friday, we had a henna party where we all painted each other. I ended up tattooing some serious warpaint on a few of our Atlantis guys, and letting some people do a bit of henna on me...Hopefully its gone by our semi-formal next weekend.

Jillian painting some UCSD spirit.

My finished art on some human canvases. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Procrastination At It's Finest

While we all should be reading the Bible for Humanities...
(Jennifer's Bible is actually bound upside-down so she looks ridiculous whenever she reads it.)
We prefer to waste time with impromptu photo sessions instead...

Michael Jackson The Immortal

I'm making an attempt to get back on this blogging thing, but no promises. Saturday night we went to see Cirque du Soleil's Michael Jackson The Immortal show and it was amazing. The seats were very far back, but for $20 it absolutely worth it. I'm feeling rather inspired to join the circus.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Stuart Art Collection

One of the many reasons that I love the UCSD campus is the Stuart Art Collection. It currently consists of seventeen works of art including....

Vices and Virtues

Stonehenge (The La Jolla Project)

The Bear

And Sun God

Right now, they are in the process of installing an eighteenth piece entitled Fallen Star on top of the Jacobs School of Engineering and I think it is awesome. It is a 70,000 pound house based on a cottage in Providence, Rhode Island. From what I understand, it is a commentary on the concept of home and the idea of displacement.

What it's looking like right now.

What it will look like completed. It will also include a rooftop garden backyard that will be open to the public.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

This Week In Crafts

My first crafty endeavor this week was holiday flags. We ended up with three strands hanging across our living room. We also made handprint turkeys that are hanging in the window. It's starting to look a bit like a carnival out there.

Next up on my list was Christmas stockings for the suite. With some Christmas tunes and some help from my designated elf, Jillian, I was able to make it through all of them in two days. I love how they all turned out. We're all planning on leaving each other little holiday notes in our stockings as well as candy and our secret santa gifts. Ivy got into the spirit by going out this morning and buying some candy, which is officially the first of our stocking stuffers. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Bernie

Just in case you're curious how the young'ins are dancing nowadays, I thought I would introduce you to the Bernie. It is a peculiar dance where you "move it like Bernie" inspired by the film Weekend at Bernie's.  As you can see from the video, some people Bernie with more pizzazz than others. I'm still working on developing my own personal Bernie style. We try to Bernie in our suite at least once a week.